12th August 2007
Auckland Apnea Competition -
dynamics: on a single breath, Dave Mullins swam an amazing 234 metres
today (Sunday, 12th Aug) in 3 minutes 46 seconds; unofficially
breaking the world record and setting a new national NZ record. Ant
Williams had a hard act to follow after Dave but pulled off a
confident and impressive swim of 213 metres. Kerian Hibbs showed great
progress with a distance of 189 metres.
For the full gallery of (many)
images click

5th August 2007
Latest images from Vava'u, Tonga
now posted.

15th July 2007
Latest images from the Solomon Islands
now posted.

1st May 2007
New arrival: Australian Cattle Dog, 8 weeks old
20th April 2007
Latest images from Niue Island
now posted.

4th March 2007
I've been giving some thought to
an issue nagging me of late: that my air travel is contributing to the
demise of the very wildlife which I go to photograph. A recent
article, 'Carbon Neutral 4 Corals' by Alex Mustard in
Photography Web Magazine suggests offsetting CO2 consumption
of flights through the purchase of carbon offsets. I've begun to put
my money where my mouth is and urge fellow travelers to do the same.
See my links section
for some organizations which provide carbon offset schemes and carbon
calculators for consumers and businesses.
26th February 2007
Images of Fakfak /
Raja Ampat are now posted. Click

23rd February 2007
Just returned from the Fakfak /
Raja Ampat regions of Irian Jaya province, West Papua. The
bio-diversity and pristine conditions we encountered amazed me not to
mention the 'new' species of marine life. Excellent conditions and
great dives; both day and night! Watch the the new location coming
soon on this site.
26th January 2007
Sadly we lost our 8 year old
Australian Cattle dog, Jing early this morning. He had
contracted an aggressive form of canine cancer (insulinoma) and was no
longer able to absorb glucose even intravenously. Quite distressing
with increasingly severe and more frequent grand-mal seizures (5
during the night) so at 3:00am yesterday morning I took him to the
vet. The onset was very rapid after our first vet visit on 14th Jan
and a clear diagnosis only available over the last couple of days. As
a working dog - always eager to please and filled with unbounded
energy. A great and loyal companion; we will all miss him terribly.

15th December 2006
The all new design is now up and running. It's been an
interesting learning curve for me and for a week or so I felt totally
immersed in getting things right. Not quite as good as being in the
water but interesting none the less. Your feedback on the look and
feel is welcomed.
Apologies for
inconsistencies and anomalies wherever they may appear - if you point them
out I'll try and resolve them.
1st December 2006
Development has begun on a new look